The quality of your emotions (positive and uplifting or negative and destructive) reflects the focus and balance of your mind. They also guide your actions.
Your body follows your mind and your emotions. Recovering from injury, creating an empowering lifestyle, and achieving longevity is possible once in alignment.
Your thoughts (and the conscious and unconscious beliefs & conditioning that runs them) determine your feelings and actions. What you have seen to believe you can achieve becomes real.
Your body may be the easier place to start your healing process, because it gives you very specific and precise signals: it hurts and feels good, depending on what you are doing. You sense strength and vitality or fatigue and anxiety. The physical body is a temple and our vehicle of expression in the world. Keep it healthy, and everything is easier.
We draw from the renowned Feldenkrais© Method to provide alignment, optimal posture, and consistent pain relief.
We may add a strength and conditioning routine to maintain optimal muscle power and flexibility.
We use massage therapy (or self-massage) to release muscle tension, awaken and release the fascia and connective tissue, and experience deep relaxation.
If you are “stuck” in your head and disconnected from your heart and body, it is hard to feel balance, flow, joy, or love. If your beliefs and perceptions are keeping your mind running “looping thoughts” and feeling bad about yourself, it may feel like you’re swimming against a current, never able to feel free from the weight and pressure.
We use mindfulness to become aware of our thoughts and NLP to reprogram our subconscious. We may introduce special tools such as TBM (To Be Magnetic) to unblock, expand, and connect you with clear, aligned thinking.
Typically the most challenging place to start a wellness journey, your emotions offer the highest leverage. Master them, and the balance between your mind and body is much easier to achieve. Let your emotions run loose and you will find yourself reacting to challenges instead of using them as opportunities for growth and expansion.
With powerful breath work, we learn to self-regulate our nervous system and find balance. Through self-inquiry we identify negative emotions and the beliefs they are rooted in.
We use energy medicine healing to release, replenish, and facilitate harmony between your body and heart. You will experience higher levels of energy and vitality.
Click on each icon to learn more about the modalities that we integrate into a wellness path tailored exactly to you
to reach maximum health, joy, and vitality.
Mindset training fosters a positive attitude for personal growth, emphasizing optimism, resilience, and adaptability. It enhances mental strength, coping, and goal achievement.
Breathwork is intentional breath control for physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It uses various techniques to enhance well-being.
Fitness is the state of being physically and mentally capable, maintaining health, strength, flexibility, and agility.
Emotional balance is maintaining stability, accepting emotions without being overwhelmed. It’s vital for well-being, reducing stress, and improving relationships.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the basic concept of Energy Medicine is that a vital energy force, known as “qi,” surges throughout the body. When there is an imbalance of qi, disease and illness may result.
Mindfulness is focusing on the present without judgment, being aware of thoughts and sensations. It’s a developable skill aiding mental health and well-being.
Feldenkrais improves self-awareness, changes habits limiting potential, enhances movement efficiency, reduces pain, and boosts abilities in activities.
Tell me more about your goals and what do you think is holding you back. We will assess your unique situation and see if we are a good fit for each other.
We craft a personalized care plan including one-on-one sessions, home exercises, and support materials.You will be guided every step of the way.
After a few sessions you will see results that your body will be able to replicate consistently, offering you the benefits of long lasting healing.
It is a lot harder to return to health and vitality from a crisis than to maintain a healthy lifestyle that you can rely on.
If your body is flexible, pain-free, and strong, and you are aware of your movement, thinking, and feeling habits, even as you face a challenge (injury, stress, work/life pressure) you will recover much faster.
Invest in your wellness now. Stop borrowing from the bank of your health.
©2017-2025 Dayana, Inc.