These are the most common questions that our clients have. If you’d like more information, please reach out to us at [email protected]
or by texting / calling: 1 (917) 297-2733
Absolutely! Our favorite aspect of wellness is that it provides continuous incremental improvement, no matter how good you feel to begin with. here is always room for more energy, more joy, balance, and connection.
Through subtle movement, directed attention, and repetition, your brain grows new connections between neurons and “prunes out” old inefficient neural networks that supported your old habits. In this way, you learn with mind and body simultaneously, much like playing an instrument, speaking a new language, or cooking recipes by heart. You identify and put your attention on the relevant information and repeat it consistently to achieve mastery
The Feldenkrais Method® was developed over 40 years of research by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. He was a scientist and an athlete, as well as one of the first Europeans to earn a black belt in Judo. He applied his rigorous scientific approach to the study of movement in order to explore how we learn and how to improve our lives.
Usually clients feel a difference at the end of the first session or group class, though this varies. Your personal situation, the nature and longevity of your condition, and your level of sensitivity will play a role. How long do the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method® last? The benefits build with practice and repetition. Your ability to use and practice what you learn during the sessions can make the benefits last for weeks at a time.
Yes. We recommend spacing out your sessions in between your acupuncture or chiropractor treatments, and please avoid having them on the same day. If you are in severe pain or experiencing a chronic condition, you may want to just do Feldenkrais sessions so you can measure their benefits directly.
Physical therapy exercises take a mechanical approach to rehabilitation. Feldenkrais goes a step further, by integrating precise biomechanical movements into a holistic understanding of your body’s central nervous system. In this way, your body and mind work simultaneously to rewire the neural pathways that trigger pain and restriction so you can move more freely, without discomfort.
Yes. Feldenkrais is designed to improve your activity and make it easier, more efficient and enjoyable. This is particularly useful for sports and activities that require full range of motion such as golf, tennis, and yoga. You can learn to do what you already do well, more easily, with less effort, so there is energy left over to go even further. Many of Feldenkrais’ biggest adherents are professionals who strive to be their best — Yehudi Menuhin, Martina Navratilova, Dame Judi Dench, to name a few. Weight lifters find the weights seem lighter, tennis players and golfers find their swing more effortless, runners go farther, and performing artists feel they can dance or play the night away.
No. the group classes and private sessions, which are taught one-on-one, are slow, gentle explorations of movement that can be done by anyone, at any level of fitness.
A wonderful thing about the Feldenkrais Method® is that it is about exploring learning strategies. If you have difficulty with one side, you can work with the other side. If you can’t lie down, you can sit. And even students with paralysis have found that working with their imagination can create new neural links to improve their quality of life.
Once you learn to replace painful, inefficient movement, counterproductive thinking, and destructive feeling patterns with new and effortless ease, your body will naturally want to practice more. The thing to keep in mind is that this is not an exercise program that requires time in a gym. The simplicity of the movements make it easy to practice anytime, anywhere.
After successfully completing 160 days of training spread over at least 36 months, graduates are eligible to become certified by the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America. They maintain that certification by fulfilling continuing education and professional practice requirements each year.
Yes, both the private sessions and group classes are done with clothes on. We recommend wearing layers and socks, since changes in body temperature are common once you relax.
Results will depend on how consistent you are at implementing the recommendations. We typically see benefits from week 1. Depending on how much time you put into it, how open-minded you are to the information you’re receiving, and if you use it or not (how much your practice), you will see a different result.
Not at all. Our role is to make sure you remember all the relevant information and to put it in the format that will help you succeed. You may be a visual or auditory learner, and we will make sure to present the new material in the best format for you, as well as to remind you of all the important details.
The recommended course of action is a one-hour weekly session (includes an assessment) and 20 minutes daily for your movement practice. If you decide to join an accountability group, you will be invited to a weekly 30-minute session.
Most of our clients are very private as well. The reason for the group sessions is to have a live forum where we can present questions in real-time that can be addressed. You can turn off your camera, and if you seek anonymity, you can remove your name from the screen. The point of the group sessions is to find support, establish a community, and benefit from your cohort. It is not a requirement that you speak or share anything private.
You don’t have to be an executive or professional to find value in our services. However, the majority of our successful clients are in high-stress positions and we excel at working with them.
We have a very high completion rate because we keep our videos short and to the point. We are not here to lecture you or to bore you with too many details but to provide useful, actionable information that you can use right away. We also have group support calls to help you get through any bumps on the road, and stay consistent and accountable.
If you’re doubting about working with us or not, please take a moment to ask yourself what makes you curious about it? And what are the doubts that you have? Are they in our process? Or are you doubting that you can do it? Are these doubts showing up in other areas of your life? You are always welcome to schedule a strategy session and find out more. Contact us and a member of our team will answer all your questions.
Book a call with our team and get all the information you need. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours:
email: [email protected]
call/text: 1 (917) 297 2733
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